Inclusion at the Lone Tree Arts Center
Lone Tree Arts Center Statement of Inclusion
The theater is where we gather to celebrate the many voices that together elevate us through the transformative power of the arts. At the Lone Tree Arts Center, we have always championed diversity by presenting the work of artists of color each and every season. Our commitment to sharing the talents of these remarkable artists has been a hallmark of our work over the past 12 seasons, and will continue to be in the future.
As we remain committed to our mission of producing and presenting remarkable arts experiences, inherent in this work is our responsibility to represent a wide range of cultures and artistic viewpoints including BIPOC artists, people with disabilities and the neurodivergent community, and LGBTQIA+ people.

In order to create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, the Lone Tree Arts Center places a priority on producing and presenting programs that are accessible to people of all ages and abilities. Since opening our doors, the Lone Tree Arts Center is a leader in sensory-friendly access. After producing our first SF show in December of 2013, we saw how much having this outlet and access touched the lives of those who attended. For many, this was the first time they thought it would be “safe” to attend a live performance, having always worried about distracting others or wondering what triggers might exist.
On top of producing and presenting accessible programs, we also offer a variety of accommodations for people to experience our programs. From available ASL interpretation to an installed inductive hearing loop in the Main Stage Theater, we truly believe that the arts are for everyone.